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Safety's Role in Business Continuity

Safety has an obligation to help Human Resources manage the workforce.  Compliance to occupational safety standards requires that we integrate with operations to provide a sustainable methodology to performing the work.  Vision RE can help you with some or all of the following areas of sustainability.


Sustainable Work Methods


Safety must help management to create, update and maintain sustainable work methods to produce a finished product in a safe, productive manner at the targeted level of quality.  These methods must balance all factors and all levels of risk to get the total results your company needs to achieve. We can help you identify where your work methods are meeting your goals and any barriers.


Redefining Successful Work 


Successful work should be redefined to include safety, productivity and quality.  If it was accomplished unsafely, then it was not successful.  If the work is unproductive and inefficient, then it was not successful. If the work was of poor quality, it was not successful.  Redefined success can be an effective way to increase morale, profitability, and client satisfaction. Vision RE can help you define your company’s success and set targets in order to achieve successful work. 


Replicating Successful Work


In order for successful work to be sustainable, we need to make it replicable.  How we train workers, communicate improvements, and reinforce corrections will determine how sustainable our optimal work methods are.  In your ideal company standards, successful (standard) work can be performed at all divisions in all locations.  We can help you define, analyze, implement and monitor your successful standard work.


Stabilizing the Workforce


Keeping your workforce intact is a key part of sustainability. Natural turnovers are a part of the business cycle but there are unnecessary or unnatural turnovers. Vision RE can help you define and identify some of the indicators that point to an unhealthy work environment.  


COVID Continuity


Review or Develop Pandemic Emergency Response Plan


Our consultants can help ensure that you have an effective, efficient and unique business plan that will allow your business to get back on track as soon as a pandemic emergency occurs. 


Already have a pandemic emergency plan in place? Vision RE can review it to ensure that it is meeting the needs of your business, your clients, and the governance organizations. 


Develop and implement a self assessment and contact tracing process specific to your organization


Our consultants can help your company to create a system for tracking workers, contractors and visitors into your business. This system needs to be unique to your business and provide you with the tools in a pandemic emergency to easily contact trace if required. 


Response to a pandemic emergencies


There are many governing bodies and agencies that will get involved in a pandemic emergency response. Our consultants can provide you with support and guidance when dealing with these agencies.

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